What does it really cost?

The 20 Fractions are being sold at an incredible offer price of €25.000 each or two fractions for €45.000. Once you are an owner there will be site fees per fraction of €1000 per year + utilities usage which should include absolutely everything you can think of and compares very favourably with other site fees for say a chalet or caravan park. See the section on Site fees for a more detailed breakdown. Future long term repairs and replacements are provided for by an annual contribution of €250 to the ‘Sink Fund’.


If you wish to come and view before buying we will refund the money of your stay up to €160 upon completion (a Chambre d’hôtes in the chateau is €80 per night).

We think that compared to other alternatives for people looking to own a property in France  (say a mobile home, a chalet, a house) this is a real bargain.