Unlike many other people we never had the dream of changing our lives or living in France, let alone buying a chateau. We just happened to be on holiday in the Somme estuary area in the summer of 2012 when Tim fell in love with a hotel that was for sale. He decided there and then that he wanted to give up our jobs in Holland, sell our house and buy that hotel. Until then Tim had been a professional musician, playing in a band and I, Margreeth worked as a teacher at a secondary school. We had absolutely no experience running a hotel, let alone one that came with its own restaurant, but the longer we talked about it, the more enthusiastic we became. We had a few meetings with the hotel owners, calculated how much time and money we needed for renovations, read loads of articles about moving to France and then contacted an advisor who specialised in people buying a hospitality business in France. He looked into the figures and immediately told us not to do it. He decided it wasn’t a good business for us to take over. It was hard for Tim to let go of this project but in the end he accepted the advice we were given.